Clean Tech Venture Capital Investing Totaled $625 Million in Q1 2008

Venture capitalists invested $625 million in 44 Clean Tech* deals in the US during the first quarter of 2008, according to the MoneyTree™ Report from PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and the National Venture Capital Association (NVCA), based on data provided by Thomson Reuters.    This figure represented a 6 percent decline in the dollar level in the Clean Tech sector from the fourth quarter of 2007 and a 51 percent increase from the first quarter for 2007.  Total venture capital investment in the U.S. during Q1 2008 was $7.1 billion for 922 deals.

The following chart illustrates the trend in venture capital investing in the Clean Tech sector since 1995, as determined by the MoneyTree Report (click for larger version):

Clean Tech VC Funding, 1995 - Present(MoneyTree Report)

In commenting on the Q1 2008 venture capital data NVCA President Mark Heesen said:

Despite the current economic downturn in the United States, venture capitalists are still putting money to work across multiple industries and stages of development. The continued interest in the life sciences and clean technology industries, as well as the traditional IT sectors, reflects the long-term investment horizon that the venture industry has always embraced. We do not expect to see significant declines in investment levels in the coming year. However, the dollars going to later stage investments could increase if the IPO window remains closed for an extended period of time and venture capitalists have to sustain companies longer than expected.

For more information:

*In the MoneyTree Report, the "Clean Tech" sector crosses traditional MoneyTree industries and comprises alternative energy, pollution and recycling, power supplies and conservation.

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